I fixed the task list for our grocery store discount process
Products need discounting, but when should we do it? Task list helps streamline the process, but only if it is user-friendly. Let’s fix my employer’s task list!
Continue readingTypography – Brand creation step by step
Typography is the visual voice of your brand. Read Vayandil’s article to find out how you can design a typography for your own brand!
Continue readingWord mark – Brand creation step by step
Word mark doesn’t just spell out your brand name – it also gives it an identity! In this article, Vayandil will show you how the Owl Basket word mark was created!
Continue readingBrand mark in a logo – Brand creation step by step
Brand mark is the image part of a logo. Here’s a bite-sized breakdown how a brand mark is made – using Owl Basket’s logo as an example!
Continue reading5 usability problems that ruin your shopping experience
Good usability is important in online shopping. Here’s a little story of how my online shopping journey ended up in a list of usability problems that you should avoid if you don’t want to miss sales.
Continue readingRoller mouse + arm support review for artists
Digital art is your life, but your arms and back are suffering. Are roller mouse and the arm support the cure? Read artist Vayandil’s review!
Continue readingErgonomics for (digital) artists
As a digital artist, I’ve thought about ergonomics a lot. I’ve learned a few things that I think are very essential to maintaining good ergonomics. Let me share some of them to you!
Continue readingYou shouldn’t have to pay to enter a contest
Contests are an opportunity to get recognition. However, many contests make the contestants to pay an entry fee. Why do they do that? And why do I think it’s not fair at all?
Continue readingCreating a color palette for your website
Website’s color palette doesn’t come out of nowhere. There is a design process behind it. Let’s take you on a little tour to how a color palette is made, using our blog’s palette as an example!
Continue readingWhy is art important? And to whom?
What if I told you that art is important to us all? That without art we wouldn’t have entertainment? Let me explain what I mean…
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